Case Study


Ashoka University


Employer Branding


Service 1


Value Oriented Campaigns' to come along, with a deeper connection of values to gets in action.

The following case study illustrates how strong symbolism and testimonials can breathe life into a company's values, compelling employees to integrate them into their daily work for enhanced collaboration, empathy, and a sense of pride in their association. Ashoka University, a relatively new institution, was founded with a clear vision of becoming India's premier university and one of the world's leading educational institutions. Over the past decade, it has revolutionized holistic education in India through its interdisciplinary approach and transformative learning experiences. To further advance its pursuit of this vision, there was a need to align all non-faculty members with the principles of innovation, risk-taking, and excellence. These principles needed to be seamlessly integrated into the company's values.

The Challenge:

In 2020, Ashoka University introduced a set of six core values. Workshops were conducted to ensure that these values were understood by all internal stakeholders. However, after attending the workshops, the values faded from memory as employees returned to their regular tasks in the following weeks. This led to a lack of recollection and adoption. Over time, different departments began operating in distinct directions, causing a loss of the desired cumulative impact.

Seeding Responsibility with Personal Connections:

To ensure that people remembered and embraced these values in their daily lives, a three-step campaign was launched. The campaign emphasized the importance of every individual embracing the six core values integral to the university's journey to greatness. This initiative began with a Peepal Tree plantation drive on the campus, with the Peepal Tree symbolizing the tree of life. The leaf of this tree became a central element in the internal communication campaign. Each value was given a unique visual identity called "Sutras" (Principles). These visual representations were featured in various mediums, including badges and meeting room signages. Definitions of the values were simplified into short statements that resonated with employees from different backgrounds and departments. The campaign was rolled out over six weeks, featuring a "Sutradhar" (thread-holder) alongside each "Sutra." These individuals were showcased as exemplifying the values in their respective departments. Large posters across the campus highlighted the pride and achievements associated with living these values.

The Result:

Following the introduction of this initiative, a survey revealed that employees had formed a deeper connection with the values. The impact of these values began to accumulate, with departments breaking down silos and aligning their work with the same value system. The launch was sustained over the following six months, with an activation calendar promoting engaging ways to live out these values, making them an organic part of daily life rather than a mere checklist.